Last year twenty new trees were planted in Ladywell Fields, including 14 Populus Nigra Betulifolia, the native black poplar. The male trees have long been growing in the park, but in recent years several have fallen in storms or had to be felled. We hope to establish a new generation of native black poplar trees along the river, and to include the rare female trees.
Last year was, of course, a tremendously difficult for newly planted trees due to the severe drought. Unfortunately we lost six saplings. The planting scheme has ensured they are replaced and three male, plus three female, trees have just been replanted. If you look for the new tree cages near the river, you will see that the trees are still very small. It has again proved very hard to find anyone who can supply them and these young whips have come from Suffolk. They will need our care for the first couple of years but are fast growing and should soon establish.