Thursday 25 May 2023

Watering the black poplar saplings, Wednesday 31st May 2023 at 7pm

The weather has finally become dryer and we have young black poplar saplings in the park which need watering. Unfortunately in other years we lost saplings due to insufficient watering, so this year we want to make sure every tree that needs it has enough water.  As published before, the black poplar saplings are important for the ecology of Ladywell Fields.  
They need several buckets of water in dry weeks, and unfortunately we cannot rely on the contractor to water the trees enough.  We should therefore take the initiative and start watering ourselves. 

Volunteers are invited--this won't take very long and also makes for a lovely evening walk through the park. Bring a garden bucket, if you can.

Meet Wednesday 31st May, 7pm at the community orchard (southern tip).  

Please email if you are interested.  As the summer progresses, we will organise more, regular watering sessions.