Saturday, 12 May 2018

New shared path for Ladywell Fields

Construction on the new cycle/pedestrian path in the Middle Fields is now completed.  It links the Catford Green Development to the Ravensbourne bridge, connecting to the existing main path in the Middle Fields.  Now that the path has been laid, the next stages of work include the installation of lamp posts, tree planting along the route, and the placement of benches and other park furniture. 

Works in early May 2018
The path had been a condition of the planning consent granted to Barratts for the development on the old greyhound stadium site. The tarmacked surface replaces what had become a well worn, informal foot path along the 'desire line' chosen by park users.  It retains a large section of the middle field, facing the north field and adventure playground, to be used for football playing, dog walking etc.

Works in April 2018

The design of the path and the route had been discussed at User Group meetings in 2017 and 2019.  Anyone interested in getting involved with future changes to the park is welcome to join the User Group mailing list and come to the meetings which are always well publicised in the notice boards in the park.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Mysterious Circles in Ladywell Fields

These strange markings of unknown origin appeared on the ground at the curly bridge.  Get in touch if you can decipher their significance or shed light on their provenance 😉

Ladywell Fields Orchard Volunteer Session, Sunday 6th May 10.30am-12.00noon

We spent a glorious, easy going Sunday morning pruning the row of plum trees in the Ladywell Fields community orchard.  We snipped, cut and sawed to keep the trees growing healthily and into good shape.  The buds are already promising a rich harvest for this year.  We were a small group, giving everyone even better opportunity to benefit from Caroline's expert instruction. Thanks to all who took part in the volunteering.  
Next time you walk through the south field, take a look at our beautiful trees--and don't miss out on trying the fruit when the plums have ripened.