Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Next Meeting and AGM, Wed 20 Sept 2023 7pm

The next meeting of the Ladywell Fields User Group (also known as the 'Friends of Ladywell Fields') will take place at 7.00pm on Weds 20 September.  

At the start of the meeting we will complete Annual General Meeting (AGM) business:  election of committee officers, re-adoption of the Constitution and receipt of the Chair's annual report.  If you'd be interested in serving on the LFUG committee during 2023/24, please email your interest to 

Probably at the Community Hub meeting space, at the end of Church Grove, Ladywell--venue to be confirmed.  

Please come along and help us ensure a wide range of park user views are heard!

Friday, 14 July 2023

Food, Folk ‘N’ Fun in the Fields, Sunday 23 July 2023

Come together in Ladywell Fields to celebrate.  There will be live music, activities for families, local food to try and community stalls--including Ladywell Fields User Group.  This year the community festival will be held in the North Field, near the cafe and railway station.  From 11am to 5pm, free entry.