Earlier this week I wrote to the Council’s Parks Team asking about a couple of trees which park users have reported as needing attention. Council officer Vince Buchanan has today replied as follows:
“Our Tree Officer has completed an inspection of Ladywell Fields - please see responses below.
“Our Tree Officer has completed an inspection of Ladywell Fields - please see responses below.
(i) across the River close in the vicinity of the Adventure playground - the tree has fallen parallel to the bank and does not entirely block the river and so does not really present a flood risk and certainly has not done so in the time it has been down; and
(ii) across the path leading between the bottom of the Prendergast School site and the River - There is a multi-stem willow which seems to be on the School site. One stem has been applying pressure to the steel fence and has been like it for a number of years. More recently a smaller stem has split away from the bole but is resting firmly on the fence and has done so for at least a year and a half but is not impeding the footpaths in the Park. This stem is still attached to the bole. Perhaps as it has again been brought to our attention it would be worth getting this stem removed and the tree owner to inspect and deal with the remaining tree. I am unsure who would be responsible for any of this work as it is a School site."
Vince has undertaken to contact Prendergast Ladywell Fields College to make them aware of this issue.
Please email ladywellfields@yahoo.co.uk if you spot any trees that seem to need arboricultural attention.
Robert Sheppard