The proposed extra storey makes the blocks loom very large over Ladywell Fields and one's immediate concern as a park user is that, with these buildings on the south side of the park, there will be significant additional shading for much of the day (which has not, of course, been shown in this artist's impression!). The
argument for the extra storey, it seems, is that the development needs to be higher in order to fund the higher Mayoral
standards for the revised overall scheme. The cynical amongst us will note that the flats abutting Ladywell
Fields (with the Park effectively their back garden), which are for private sale, are likely to make Barratt a very tidy profit in a booming property market (which, I guess, is what they're in the business for)!
The plans (application ref: DC/15/93128) can be viewed here on the Council website
Robert Sheppard
Secretary, The Ladywell Fields User Group